Submission to Inquiry

Part 1 – Name of Inquiry

Name of Inquiry *

Part 2 – About the Submitter

Title or Rank *

Given Names *

Surname *

Post-nominals (if applicable)


Street Number and Name *

Suburb *

Postcode *

State *

Email Address: *

Primary Contact Number *

Secondary Contact Number

Is the Submission on behalf of an organisation? If yes, please provide details:

Part 3 – Desired outcome

Provide a summary of your submission:

Part 4 - Your submission and Supporting Documentation

Part 5 – Consent and declaration

✔ I also consent to the Defence Honours and Awards Appeals Tribunal:

  • using information contained in my submission to conduct research;
  • providing a copy of my submission to a person or organisation considered by the Tribunal to be appropriate; and
  • providing a copy of my submission to a person or organisation the subject of adverse comment in the submission;
  • using content in my submission in its report to Government.

The Tribunal will decide which person or organisation is appropriate, and this may include:

  1. persons or organisations required to assist with the inquiry; and
  2. persons or organisations with an interest in the inquiry.

✔ I declare that the information I have provided is correct.



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Document name: Submission to Inquiry
lock iconUnique Document ID: 6a8f5c6c61a1afffb8b0ae8ec38e840bd5908ede
Timestamp Audit
23 October, 2020 9:52 am AEDTSubmission to Inquiry Uploaded by Defence Defence Honours Tribunal - IP