Defence Honours and Awards Appeals Tribunal

The Defence Honours and Awards Appeals Tribunal is an independent statutory body established under the Defence Act to consider Defence honours and awards matters. 

Individuals are able to apply to the Tribunal for an independent review of a decision of the Department of Defence regarding eligibility for a defence honour, defence award or a foreign award. 

The Government is also able to refer general eligibility issues to the Tribunal for inquiry and recommendation.


Due to limitations associated with the size of venues, prior registration with the Tribunal Secretariat is necessary in order to attend public hearings of the Tribunal.

8 April 2025
Hawkins on behalf of Townsend and the Department of Defence - Commendation for Distinguished Service
Canberra, 10 am AEST
15 April 2025
Rickerby and the Department of Defence - Australian Defence Medal
Canberra, 10 am AEST


Wilkes and the Department of Defence [2024] DHAAT 9
Commendation for Distinguished Service

Corica and the Department of Defence [2024] DHAAT 8
First Clasp to the Defence Long Service Medal

Hunt and the Department of Defence [2024] DHAAT 7
Australian Active Service Medal 1945-1975 with Clasp 'THAI-MALAY'

Roper and the Department of Defence [2024] DHAAT 6
First Clasp to the Defence Long Service Medal

Stevens and the Department of Defence [2024] DHAAT 5
Conspicuous Service Decoration - Recommendation to Government accepted on 20 September 2024